Residential Services
Residential Facilities
Barrier-free, fully accessible housing locations have been developed for people aged 21 years and older who have developmental and/or multiple physical disabilities. Cognitive and functional abilities, opportunity for maximum functional independence and personal choice determine the appropriateness of a particular type of facility for each individual.
Our adult programs and services are accredited by CARF, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, and CAHC, Commission on Accreditation for Home Care.

Group Homes
Group homes, consisting of six bedrooms and a communal living area, are supervised single family structures that serve six people each. Personal assistance services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Group homes are located in Bayville, Long Branch, Neptune, Lakewood, and Millstone Township.
Supported and Supervised Apartments
These apartments include a 12-unit complex in Neptune and a 12-unit complex in Lakewood. Each unit includes a bathroom and an efficiency kitchen with the option of communal dining. Personal assistance services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Independent Living
A 24-unit supported, independent living complex with optional personal assistance services is located in Long Branch. Each unit consists of a fully accessible kitchen, bathroom and one or more bedrooms.
After Hour Emergency Phone Number
In case of an emergency after normal business hours please call Associate Executive Director of Adult and Residential Services at 732-570-2878
Services Available at Housing Facilities
- Case management
- Personal assistance
- Access to Agency Day Programs
- Access to nursing and medical services
- Access to rehabilitation technology
- Training and support in developing independent living skills
- Access to transportation
- Access to community integration activities
- Barrier-free, fully accessible residence
- Building maintenance
- Central station connection for fire protection
- Sprinkler system
- Certified home health care
- Rent subsidies
Eligibility for Housing Facilities:
Admission to residential programs is by application. Prospective tenants must have developmental and/or multiple physical disabilities. Tenants must also meet criteria established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). Medicaid is also required for most residential locations and services.

Locations of Residential Facilities
Administrative Offices
1703 Kneeley Boulevard
Wanamassa, NJ 07712
(732) 493-5900 | Fax: 732.493.5980
Burnt Tavern Group Home
Millstone, NJ 08510
Dewey Street Group Home
Long Branch, NJ 07740
Green Grove Group Home
Neptune, NJ 07753
Mill Creek Group Home
Bayville, NJ 08721
Novad Court Group Home
Millstone, NJ 08510
Singer House Group Home
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Asbury Avenue Supervised Apartments
Neptune, NJ 07753
George Gray Supported Apartments
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Operation LIFE, Inc. Independent Living Complex
Long Branch, NJ 07740
Barrier-free, Fully Accessible Housing